Application programming interface (API) «Ferma»

Version document 2.62 13.02.2024 Open PDF EN RU


The document describes the technical information about API «Ferma» service.
The «Ferma» service works with the fiscal data format (FFD) version 1.5 and 1.2.
Data exchange is executed via HTTP protocol.
Requests are executed in accordance with the HTTP protocol over an encrypted channel. Requests and responses are submitted in JSON format.
The documentation describes HTTP requests of the «Ferma» service.
Picture 1 shows the requests in the «Ferma» service.

Picture 1. Requests from the “Ferma” service

1. General example of a request and response used in API

Requests and responses of «Ferma» service are composed in UTF-8 encoding. «Ferma» service requests are commonly executed by POST and GET methods.
Query parameters are located in the JSON data structure and transmitted in the query data block (when using POST). Also parameters can be transmitted via string (when using GET).
The server sends the responses in JSON format. The code of the successful response, according to the HTTP protocol, is 200.

A successful response has the following form:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {}

Description of response parameters:

  • «Status» – request processing status;
  • «Data» – array of corresponding parameters, which is included in the response body (empty field is presented as a generalized example for «Ferma» service).

If the response to the request is unsuccessful, the response code (in accordance with the HTTP protocol) is not equal to 200 and has the following form:

    "Status": "Failed",
    "Error": {
        Code: 0,
        Message: "string"

Description of response parameters:

  • «Status» – request processing status;;
  • «Error» – error information.
    • «Code» – error code (never equals zero);
    • «Message» – error description.

2. Using method of "AuthToken"

To access the «Ferma» service multiple times, you need an authentication key. You can get an authentication key using a POST request. In the request, you pass the authorization parameters of the «Ferma» service.

The following parameters are passed in the request body:

  • Login;
  • Password.

The parameter values can be obtained in the client's personal account in the «Ferma» section, after paying for the «Ferma» service, or find out from your manager.



Request body:

    "Login": "12345","Password": "56789"

A successful request will have a code equal to 200.

Example of a successful response to an authentication key request:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
        "AuthToken": "f3accdfda7574736ba94a78d00e974f4",
        "ExpirationDateUtc": "2017-01-24T14:44:21"

The response contains the following parameters:

  • «AuthToken» – authentication key1);
  • «ExpirationDateUtc» – date and time of validity of the authentication key2).

The received authentication key is required in «Ferma» service requests.

Example of a request using an authentication key:

  • Code1 – valid authentication key

3. HTTP requests for the “Ferma” service

The section presents a general JSON schema, a description of the parameters, and also describes how to work with the «Ferma» API.

Attention. The «Ferma» service is asynchronous, sending a receipt by the “Receipt” method and successfully obtaining a transaction ID is not a successful completion of the formation of a cash receipt. To complete the operation, you need to configure the correct processing of Callback responses and configure receipt of receipt data through the methods "Status", "list", "list2". If a value with a URL was filled in in the «CallbackUrl» parameter, then after sending a request for the formation of a cash receipt (successful or unsuccessful), a POST response will be sent to the URL specified in the «callbackUrl» parameter. The description of the parameters of the response to the «CallbackUrl» value is presented in chapter 3.9 If no response has been received within 300 seconds, you need to execute the request checking the status of the cash receipt.

3.1. Description of request parameters

The section presents a general JSON scheme of the request for the formation of fiscal documents in the «Ferma» service, as well as a description of all the request parameters. The section contains examples of JSON schemes for requesting the formation of fiscal documents in the «Ferma» service.

A general scheme with parameters is presented, the diagram shows all the parameters for working with the API.

To correctly configure your information system with the «Ferma» API, use examples of JSON schemas. Examples of JSON schemas are presented in section 3.2.5.

JSON schema:

        "Inn": "string",
        "Type": "string",
        "InvoiceId": "string",
        "CallbackUrl": "string",
            "CheckMcMode": "string",
            "TaxationSystem": "string",
            "Email": "string",
            "Phone": "string",
            "PaymentType": integer,
            "KktFA": boolean,
            "AutomatNumber": "string",
            "BillAddress": "string",
                "Name": "string",
                "Value": "string"
                "AgentType": "string",
                "TransferAgentPhone": "string",
                "TransferAgentName": "string",
                "TransferAgentAddress": "string",
                "TransferAgentINN": "string",
                "PaymentAgentOperation": "string",
                "PaymentAgentPhone": "string",
                "ReceiverPhone": "string",
                "SupplierInn": "string",
                "SupplierName": "string",
                "SupplierPhone": "string"
                "Type": "string",
                "Description": "string",
                "ReceiptDate": "string",
                "ReceiptId": "string"
                "Name": "string",
                "Inn": "string",
                "Birthday": "string",
                "Citizenship": "string",
                "IdDocType": "string",
                "IdDocData": "string",
                "Address": "string"
                "FoivId": "string",
                "DocDate": "string",
                "DocNumber": "string",
                "Value": "string"
                "Id": "string",
                "Details": "string",
                "DateTime" : "string"
                   "Label": "string", 
                   "Price": floating point, 
                   "Quantity": floating point, 
                   "Amount": floating point, 
                   "Vat": "string", 
                   "Excise": floating point, 
                   "Measure": "string", 
                   "PaymentMethod": integer,
                       "FoivId": "string",
                       "DocDate": "string",
                       "DocNumber": "string",
                       "Value": "string"
                   "AdditionalRequisite": "string", 
                   "OriginCountryCode": "string", 
                   "CustomsDeclarationNumber": "string", 
                   "PaymentType": integer, 
                       "Type": "string", 
                       "Code": "string", 
                       "PlannedStatus": "string", 
                           "Numerator": integer, 
                           "Denominator": integer 
                       "AgentType": "string", 
                       "TransferAgentPhone": "string", 
                       "TransferAgentName": "string", 
                       "TransferAgentAddress": "string", 
                       "TransferAgentINN": "string", 
                       "PaymentAgentOperation": "string", 
                       "PaymentAgentPhone": "string", 
                       "ReceiverPhone": "string", 
                       "SupplierInn": "string", 
                       "SupplierName": "string", 
                       "SupplierPhone": "string" 
                  "PaymentType": integer, 
                  "Sum": floating point 
            "Name": "string",
            "Inn": "string"

The tables show the parameters of their type and format of values, a description of the values, as well as a sign of the need for a query.

In table 3.1. the description of the parameter necessity attribute in the request is presented

Table 3.1. Description of whether the parameter is required in the request

Value Description
1 The parameter must be part of the request
2 The parameter must be part of the request, in the cases specified in the order of the Federal Tax Serviceот 14.09.2020г. № ЕД-7-20/662@the note to the specified details may not include the composition of the request
3 The parameter may not be included in the request

The description of the request parameters are presented in the Table table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Description of the parameters of the request for the formation of a cash receipt

Parameter Parameter Value format Description TAG3) Required4)
Inn String Identification number of the taxpayer's organization 1018 1
Type String Type fiscal document (cash receipt).
The type can have the following values:
1054 1
– «Income» — receiving funds from the buyer;
– «IncomeReturn» — refund of funds received from the buyer;
– «IncomePrepayment» — advance payment from the buyer;
– «IncomeReturnPrepayment» — refund of the advance payment;
– «IncomeCorrection» — correction receipt/income;
– «BuyCorrection» — correction receipt/expense;
– «IncomeReturnCorrection» - чcorrection receipt/Return of income;
– «ExpenseReturnCorrection» - чек коррекции/Return of expense;
– «Expense» — disbursement of funds to the buyer;
– «ExpenseReturn» — refund of funds issued to the buyer.
InvoiceId String The identifier assigned by your information system in the request for the formation of a cash receipt.
The use of the identifier prevents the formation of duplicate checks
Attention! Change the value of the «InvoiceId» to resend the request for receipts with the status «3»
CallbackUrl String URL. The parameter specifies the URL value. If the field is filled in correctly, then after processing the document (successful or unsuccessful finalization in the KKT: status «CONFIRMED» or «KKT_ERROR»), The response will be sent by POST request to the URL specified in this field. The correctness of the filled field is determined by the regular expression:^http(s?)\:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Zа-яА-Я]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Zа-яА-Я])*(:(0-9)*)*(\/?)([a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-Я\-\.\?\,\'\/\\\+&=%\$#_]*)?$\\.
The description of the parameters of the response to the «СallbackUrl» value is presented in section 3.9.
CustomerReceipt Object Contents of the customer receipt. Description of the parameter «CustomerReceipt» are shown in the table 3.3.
Cashier 5) Object Information about the cashier
Name String Name cashier 1021 2
Inn String Cashier's Tax Identification number 1203 3

Table 3.3. Description of parameters «CustomerReceipt»

Parameter Parameter Value format Description TAG6) Required7)
CheckMcMode String Marking Code Verification parameter
The parameter in the request is optional. Before punching the receipt, the cashier will automatically check the marking code.
If you did not specify the «CheckMcMode» parameter in the request, the check will break through with any result of checking the marking code in the CRPT.

If you passed one of the following values:
- IGNORE_ANY_ERRORS - regardless of the result of the check, it is set by default, a cash receipt will be generated
- REQUIRE_NO_M_MINUS - the cashier will generate a receipt if the result of checking the KKM in the CRPT is not equal to the value [М-]. If the result of the code check turns out to be equal to the value [М-] the cash register will not generate a cash receipt
TaxationSystem String Taxation system.
Attention! The list of application values of taxation systems is formed at the stage of registration of the cash register. To change the list of acceptable values, you need to re-register the cash register.
The parameter of the taxation system can take the following values:
1055 1
– «Common» or «0» — general taxation system;
– «SimpleIn» or «1» — simplified taxation system (income);
– «SimpleInOut» or «2» — simplified taxation system (income minus expense);
– «UnifiedAgricultural» or «4» — unified agricultural tax;
– «Patent» or «5» — patent taxation system.
Email 8) String Customer's email address 1008 2
Phone 9) String Customer's contact phone number 1008 2
PaymentType Integer Indication of the subject of calculation for the entire receipt.
Attention! If the value is not specified by the client in this field, the default value is used, which is set by default when setting up a «Ferma» service account.
The list of possible values is listed in the section 3.1.4.
1212 1
KktFA Boolean If the FA cash register is used in the «Ferma» service, you must set the value to true. If you use the FS cash register, you must set the value to false.
The FA cash register can be used for:
– vending machine, when making payments for goods or services;
– making payments for travel in automated mode (through a validator) or making payments through the conductor's terminal.
AutomatNumber String Automatic device number 1036 2
BillAddress String Place of settlement 1187 1
CustomUserProperty Object Additional user details, taking into account the specifics of the field of activity in which the calculations are carried out 1084 3
Name String The name of the additional user details, taking into account the specifics of the field of activity in which the calculations are carried out 1085 3
Value String The value of the user's additional details, taking into account the specifics of the field of activity in which the calculations are carried out 1086 3
PaymentAgentInfo 10) Object The parameter contains the data of the payment agent 1223 2
AgentType 11) String Type (attribute) of the payment agent. Possible values: 1057 3
BANK_PAYMENT_AGENT — bank payment agent;
BANK_PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — bank payment subagent;
PAYMENT_AGENT — payment agent;
PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — payment subagent;
CONFIDANT — attorney;
COMMISSIONER — commission agent;
AGENT — agent.
TransferAgentPhone 12) String Phone number of the money transfer operator 1075 3
TransferAgentName 13) String Agent's name 1026 2
TransferAgentAddress 14) String Agent's address 1005
TransferAgentINN 15) String Taxpayer identification number of the agent 1016 2
PaymentAgentOperation 16) String Payment Agent operation 1044 2
PaymentAgentPhone 17) String Phone number of the payment agent 1073 2
ReceiverPhone 18) String Consumer's phone number 1074 3
SupplierInn 19) String Taxpayer identification number of the supplier 1226 2
SupplierName 20) String Name of the supplier 1225 2
SupplierPhone 21) String Supplier's phone number 1171 3
CorrectionInfo Object Parameter with the data structure for the correction receipt.
Attention! The structure is present in the data only if a correction receipt is generated. To generate a regular receipt, this structure is not needed.
1174 1
Description String Description of correction and reasons for correction 1
Type String Type of correction:
SELF — the correction is made independently;
INSTRUCTION — the correction is made according to the order of the tax department
1173 3
ReceiptDate String The date of the check breakdown to which the correction check is applied. In the format «DD.MM.YY», where DD — day, MM — month, YY — year. 1178 3
ReceiptId String Number of the order of the tax agency 1179 3
ClientInfo Object Customer data 1256 2
Name String Full name or name of the organization, if the client is a legal entity. No more than 256 characters in the field 1227 2
Inn String The taxpayer identification number of the buyer. Length 10-12 numbers 1228 2
Birthday String Date of birth of the buyer (client). In the format «DD.MM.YY», where DD — day, MM — month, YY — year. 1243 2
Citizenship String Nationality of the buyer (client) 1244 3
IdDocType String The code of the type of the identity document of the buyer (client).
The values are described in the section 3.1.3.
1245 2
IdDocData String Data of the identity document of the buyer (client) 1246 2
Address String Address of the buyer (client) 1254 3
IndustryRequisite Object Industry details of the receipt 1261 2
FoivId String ID of THE FOIV (FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES). It can take values from 001 to 072. The values are described in the section 3.1.5. 1262 3
DocDate String Date of the foundation document. The format is «DD.MM.YY», where DD is the day, MM is the month, YY is the year. 1263 3
DocNumber String Number of the foundation document 1264 3
Value String The value of industry props 1265 3
OperationRequisite Object Operational details of the receipt 1270 2
Id String Operation ID 1271 2
Details String Operation data 1272 2
DateTime String The date and time are set in unix timestamp format 1273 2
Items Object Commodity items purchased by the client. The parameters of the elements of the Items structure are given in Table 3.4. 1059 1
PaymentItems Object Amounts by payment type
PaymentType Integer Payment type:
0 – in cash; 1031 1
1 – cashless; 1081 1
2 – advance payment (advance payment); 1215 1
3 – advance payment (credit); 1216 1
4 – other form of payment. 1217 1
Sum Float Amount by type, in rubles 1020 1
AdditionalReceiptProp String Additional details of the receipt (BSO). It is used as part of a cash receipt (BSO). The maximum length is 16 characters. 1192 3

3.1.1. Description of the «Items» parameters

Table 3.4. Description of the «Items» parameters TAG 1059

Parameter Parameter Value format Description TAG22) Required23)
Label String The values are passed in text form. There may be a description of the product or a description of the service.
The parameter is always required in the request for the formation of a fiscal document.
If the «PaymentMethod» parameter has a value equal to 3 – advance, then the Label parameter may not be included in the request.
1030 2
Price Float The price of a commodity item in rubles. 1079 2
Quantity Float Quantity of product in the item 1023 2
Amount Float The total cost of the goods in the commodity item in rubles. The rounding rules for the cost of goods depend on the type of cash register. At the ticket offices of the type «Efir Pro FS» and «Efir Pro FA», the cost is rounded according to the mathematical rules of rounding.
The result of multiplying the values of the «Price» and «Quantity» parameters should be equal to the value of the «Amount» parameter
1043 1
Excise Float The amount of excise tax, including kopecks. Participates in the request if the subject of calculation is recognized as an object of taxation by excise taxes 1229 2
Vat String Type of calculated VAT.
Required field for correction checks if Items is not NULL.
The parameter can take the following values:
1199 2
- «VatNo» — value added tax without VAT;
- «Vat10» — value added tax (VAT) 10%;
- «Vat20» — VAT 20%;
- «Vat0» — VAT 0%;
- «CalculatedVat10110» — calculated VAT of 10% of 110% of the amount;
- «CalculatedVat20120» — calculated VAT 20% of 120% of the amount.
MarkingCodeData Object Product item marking code. The parameters of the marking code are described in Table 3.5. 1163 2
Measure String The tag contains the units of measurement of the quantity of the object of calculation and can take the values described in the section3.1.6. 2108 2
PaymentMethod Integer Indication of the calculation method: 1214 1
- 1 — prepayment 100%;
- 2 — prepayment;
- 3 — prepaid expense;
- 4 — full calculation;
- 5 — partial calculation;
- 6 — transfer on credit;
- 7 — payment on credit.
IndustryRequisite Object Industry details of the receipt 1261 2
FoivId String ID of THE FOIV (FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES). It can take values from 001 to 072. The values are described in the section 3.1.5. 1262 3
DocDate String Date of the foundation document. The format is «DD.MM.YY», where DD is the day, MM is the month, YY is the year. 1263 3
DocNumber String Number of the foundation document 1264 3
Value String The value of industry props 1265 3
AdditionalRequisite String Additional details of the subject of calculation (Maximum length of 64 characters) 1191 2
OriginCountryCode String The code of the country of origin of the goods. No more than 3 numbers. 24) 1230 2
CustomsDeclarationNumber String The number of the customs declaration. Maximum of 32 characters 1231 2
PaymentType Integer Indication of the subject of calculation for the entire receipt.
Attention! If the value is not specified by the client in this field, the default value is used, which is set by default when setting up a «Ferma» service account.
The list of possible values is listed in the section 3.1.4.
1212 1
PaymentAgentInfo 25) Object The description of the parameters is presented inTable 3.6. 1223 2

Table 3.5. Description of the «MarkingCodeData» TAG 1163

Parameter Parameter Value format Description TAG26) Required27)
Type String Marking code format
It can take the following values:
- EAN8 — the value of the marking code in the format EAN-8 1301
- EAN13 — the value of the marking code in the format EAN-13 1302
- ITF14 — the value of the marking code in the format ITF-14 1303
- GS1 — the value of the marking code in the format GS1 1304
- GS1M 1305
- SHORT_MC 1306
- FUR — Control and identification mark of a fur product 1307
- EGAIS20 — the value of the marking code in the format EGAIS-2.0. 1308
- EGAIS30 — the value of the marking code in the format EGAIS-3.0. 1309
- KTF1 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1320
- KTF2 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1321
- KTF3 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1322
- KTF4 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1323
- KTF5 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1324
- KTF6 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1325
Code String Marking code.
The parameter passes the value received by the barcode scanner
PlannedStatus String If in the parameter «PlannedStatus» the value was not set, then the default value is set to «PIECE_PRODUCT_INCOME» (piece goods).
The planned status of the goods with marking code can take the following values:
2003 3
- PIECE_PRODUCT_INCOME — Piece goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification have been sold;
- MEASURED_PRODUCT_INCOME — Dimensional goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification, under implementation;
- PIECE_PRODUCT_RETURN — Piece goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification have been returned;
- MEASURED_PRODUCT_RETURN — Part of the goods subject to mandatory identification marking has been returned;
- PRODUCT_STATUS_NOT_CHANGED — The status of the goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification has not changed.
Fractional Object The tag contains a fractional amount of the marked product 1291 2
Numerator Integer Numerator (the value must be strictly less than the value of the tag 1294) 1293 1
Denominator Integer Denominator 1294 1

3.1.2. Description of the "PaymentAgentInfo" parameters

Attention! Tag 1224 is not transmitted as part of the cash receipt, only tags from its composition are transmitted, namely tag 1225 and 1171. Tags are passed as part of the tag 1223.

Table 3.6. Description of the parameters of the payment agent TAG 1223

Parameter Parameter Value format Description TAG28) Required29)
PaymentAgentInfo 30) Object The parameter contains the data of the payment agent 1223 2
AgentType 31) String Type (attribute) of the payment agent. Possible values: 1057 3
BANK_PAYMENT_AGENT — bank payment agent;
BANK_PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — bank payment subagent;
PAYMENT_AGENT — payment agent;
PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — payment subagent;
CONFIDANT — attorney;
COMMISSIONER — commission agent;
AGENT — agent.
TransferAgentPhone 32) String Phone number of the money transfer operator 1075 3
TransferAgentName 33) String Agent's name 1026 2
TransferAgentAddress 34) String Agent's address 1005
TransferAgentINN 35) String Taxpayer identification number of the agent 1016 2
PaymentAgentOperation 36) String Payment Agent operation 1044 2
PaymentAgentPhone 37) String Phone number of the payment agent 1073 2
ReceiverPhone 38) String Consumer's phone number 1074 3
SupplierInn 39) String Taxpayer identification number of the supplier 1226 2
SupplierName 40) String Name of the supplier 1225 2
SupplierPhone 41) String Supplier's phone number 1171 3

Table 3.6. The composition of the parameters TAG 1223, depending on the type of payment agent

TransferAgentPhone 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
TransferAgentName 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
TransferAgentAddress 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
TransferAgentINN 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
PaymentAgentOperation 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
PaymentAgentPhone 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
ReceiverPhone 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
SupplierInn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SupplierName 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SupplierPhone 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

3.1.3. Descriptions of the values of the "IdDocType" parameter

The «IdDocType» parameter can take the following values:

  • RF_ID(21, «Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation»);
  • RF_ID_ETC(22, «Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, diplomatic passport, service passport certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation»);
  • TEMP_RF_ID(26, «Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation issued for the period of registration of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation»);
  • BIRTH_RF_ID(27, «Birth certificate of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14)»);
  • OTHER_RF_ID(28, «Other documents recognized as identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation»);
  • FOREIGN_ID(31, «Passport of a foreign citizen»);
  • FOREIGN_ID_OTHER(32, «Other documents recognized as identity documents of a foreign citizen in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and an international treaty of the Russian Federation»);
  • ID_FOREIGN_STATELESS(33, «A document issued by a foreign State and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person»);
  • RESIDENCE_PERMIT(34, «Residence permit (for stateless persons)»);
  • TEMP_RESIDENCE_PERMIT(35, «Temporary residence permit (for stateless persons)»);
  • STATELESS_REVIEW_ID(36, «Certificate of consideration of the application for recognition of a stateless person as a refugee on the territory of the Russian Federation on the merits»);
  • REFUGEE_ID(37, «Refugee certificate»);
  • OTHER_ID(38, «Other documents recognized as identity documents of stateless persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and an international treaty of the Russian Federation»);
  • STATELESS_REVIEW_RF_ID(40, «An identity document of a person who does not have a valid identity document for the period of consideration of an application for recognition as a citizen of the Russian Federation or for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation»).

3.1.4. Descriptions of the values of the "PaymentType" parameter

  • 1 — about the sold goods, with the exception of excisable goods (name and other information describing the goods) – «ТОВАР» or «Т»;
  • 2 — about the excisable goods sold (name and other information describing the goods) – «ПОДАКЦИЗНЫЙ ТОВАР» or «АТ»;
  • 3 — about the work performed (name and other information describing the work) – «РАБОТА» or «Р»;
  • 4 — about the service provided (name and other information describing the service) – «УСЛУГА» or «У»;
  • 5 — about accepting bets when carrying out gambling activities – «СТАВКА АЗАРТНОЙ ИГРЫ» or «СТАВКА ИГРЫ» or «СА»;
  • 6 — about the payment of funds in the form of winnings in the implementation of gambling activities – «ВЫИГРЫШ АЗАРТНОЙ ИГРЫ» or «ВЫИГРЫШ АИ» or «ВА»;
  • 7 — about acceptance of funds in the sale of lottery tickets, electronic lottery tickets, acceptance of lottery bets in the implementation of lottery activities – «ЛОТЕРЕЙНЫЙ БИЛЕТ» or «СТАВКА ЛОТЕРЕИ» or «СЛ»;
  • 8 — about the payment of funds in the form of winnings in the implementation of lottery activities – «ВЫИГРЫШ ЛОТЕРЕИ» or «ВЫИГРЫШ ЛОТЕРЕИ» or «ВЛ»;
  • 9 — on granting the rights to use the results of intellectual activity or means of individualization – «ПРЕДОСТАВЛЕНИЕ РИД» or «РИД» (ed. Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 22.10.2018 N ММВ-7-20/605@) (see the text in the previous edition);
  • 10 — about the advance, deposit, prepayment, loan, payment contribution, penalty, fine, remuneration, bonus and other similar subject of calculation – «ПЛАТЕЖ» or «П», «ВЫПЛАТА» or «В»;
  • 11 — about remuneration of a user who is a payment agent (subagent), bank payment agent (subagent), commission agent, attorney or other agent – «АГЕНТСКОЕ ВОЗНАГРАЖДЕНИЕ» or «АВ»;
  • 12 — about the subject of calculation, consisting of items, each of which can be assigned a value from «1» to «11» – «СОСТАВНОЙ ПРЕДМЕТ РАСЧЕТА» or «СПР»;
  • 13 — about the subject of calculation, which is not related to the subjects of calculation, which can be assigned a value from «1» to «12» and from «14» to «18» – «ИНОЙ ПРЕДМЕТ РАСЧЕТА» or «ИПР»;
  • 14 — on the transfer of property rights – «ИМУЩЕСТВЕННОЕ ПРАВО»;
  • 15 — about non-operating income – «ВНЕРЕАЛИЗАЦИОННЫЙ ДОХОД»;
  • 16 — about the amounts of expenses reducing the amount of tax (advance payments) in accordance with paragraph 3.1 of Article 346.21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation – «СТРАХОВЫЕ ВЗНОСЫ»;
  • 17 — about the amounts of the trade fee paid – «ТОРГОВЫЙ СБОР»;
  • 18 — about the resort fee – «КУРОРТНЫЙ СБОР»;
  • 19 — about the pledge – «ЗАЛОГ»;
  • 20 — about the amounts of expenses incurred in accordance with Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, reducing income;
  • 21 — about insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance paid by sole proprietors who do not make payments and other remuneration to individuals — «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ ПЕНСИОННОЕ СТРАХОВАНИЕ ИП» or «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОПС ИП»;
  • 22 — about insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance paid by organizations and sole proprietors making payments and other remuneration to individuals — «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ ПЕНСИОННОЕ СТРАХОВАНИЕ» or «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОПС»;
  • 23 — about insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance paid by sole proprietors who do not make payments and other remuneration to individuals — «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ МЕДИЦИНСКОЕ СТРАХОВАНИЕ ИП» or «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОМС ИП»;
  • 24 — about insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance paid by organizations and sole proprietors making payments and other remuneration to individuals — «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ МЕДИЦИНСКОЕ СТРАХОВАНИЕ» or «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОМС»;
  • 25 — about insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity, for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases — «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ СТРАХОВАНИЕ» or «ВЗНОСЫ НА ОСС»;
  • 26 — about the acceptance and payment of funds in the implementation of casino and slot machine halls settlements using the exchange marks of the gambling establishment — «ПЛАТЕЖ КАЗИНО» or «ПК»;
  • 27 — about the issuance of funds by a bank payment agent — «ВЫДАЧА ДЕНЕЖНЫХ СРЕДСТВ» or «ВЫДАЧА ДС»;
  • 30 — about the excisable goods sold, subject to marking by means of identification, which does not have a marking code — «АТНМ»;
  • 31 — about the excisable goods sold, subject to marking by means of identification, having a marking code — «АТМ»;
  • 32 — about the sold goods subject to marking by means of identification, which does not have a marking code, with the exception of excisable goods — «ТНМ»;
  • 33 — about the sold goods subject to marking by means of identification, having a marking code, with the exception of excisable goods — «ТМ».

Attention! Some combinations of calculation items and taxation systems may cause an error. This is due to the features of the cash registers.

3.1.5. Descriptions of the values of the "FoivId" parameter

The «FoivId» parameter can take the following values:

  • 001 - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • 002 - Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
  • 003 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • 004 - Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation
  • 005 - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • 006 - Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation
  • 007 - Federal Service for Technical and Export Control
  • 008 - Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
  • 009 - Federal Penitentiary Service
  • 010 - Federal Bailiff Service
  • 011 - State Courier Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)
  • 012 - Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)
  • 013 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)
  • 014 - Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)
  • 015 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)
  • 016 - Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Federal Service)
  • 017 - Federal Archival Agency (Federal agency)
  • 018 - The Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (Federal Agency)
  • 019 - Office of the President of the Russian Federation (Federal Agency)
  • 020 - Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • 021 - Federal Service for Healthcare Supervision
  • 022 - Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
  • 023 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  • 024 - Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
  • 025 - Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
  • 026 - Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management
  • 027 - Federal Agency of Water Resources
  • 028 - Federal Forestry Agency
  • 029 - Federal Agency for Subsoil Use
  • 030 - Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
  • 031 - Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
  • 032 - Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • 033 - Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
  • 034 - Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
  • 035 - Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance
  • 036 - Federal Agency for Fisheries
  • 037 - Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation
  • 038 - Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
  • 039 - Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • 040 - Federal Service for Supervision of Transport
  • 041 - Federal Air Transport Agency
  • 042 - Federal Road Agency
  • 043 - Federal Agency of Railway Transport
  • 044 - Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport
  • 045 - Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
  • 046 - Federal Service for Labor and Employment
  • 047 - Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • 048 - Federal Tax Service
  • 049 - Federal Assay Chamber (Federal Service)
  • 050 - Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation
  • 051 - Federal Customs Service
  • 052 - Federal Treasury (Federal Service)
  • 053 - Federal Agency for State Property Management
  • 054 - Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation
  • 055 - Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications
  • 056 - Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications
  • 057 - Federal Communications Agency
  • 058 - Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • 059 - Federal Accreditation Service
  • 060 - Federal State Statistics Service
  • 061 - Federal Service for Intellectual Property
  • 062 - Federal Agency for Tourism
  • 063 - Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
  • 064 - Federal Antimonopoly Service
  • 065 - Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography
  • 066 - Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being
  • 067 - Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science
  • 068 - Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
  • 069 - Federal Agency for State Reserves
  • 070 - Federal Medical and Biological Agency
  • 071 - Federal Agency for Youth Affairs
  • 072 - Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs

3.1.6. Descriptions of the values of the "Measure" parameter

The «Measure» parameter can take the following values:

  • «PIECE» — Used for calculation items that can be implemented individually or in units
  • «GRAM» — Gram
  • «KILOGRAM» — Kilogram
  • «TON» — Ton
  • «CENTIMETER» — Centimeter
  • «DECIMETER» — Decimeter
  • «METER» — Meter
  • «SQUARE_CENTIMETER» — Square centimeter
  • «SQUARE_DECIMETER» — Square decimeter
  • «SQUARE_METER» — Square meter
  • «LITER» — Liter
  • «CUBIC_METER» — Cubic meter
  • «KILOWATT_HOUR» — Kilowatt hour
  • «GIGACALORIE» — Gigacalorie
  • «DAY» — Day (day)
  • «HOUR» — Hour
  • «MINUTE» — Minute
  • «SECOND» — Second
  • «KILOBYTE» — Kilobyte
  • «MEGABYTE» — Megabyte
  • «GIGABYTE» — Gigabyte
  • «TERABYTE» — Terabyte
  • «OTHER» — Used when using other units of measurement

3.2. Creation of fiscal documents

Parameters described in the section 3.1. Description of request parameters required for the formation of a request for the formation of a fiscal document. Depending on the required fiscal document and the fiscalization of the CCT, the composition of the parameters is always different. The exception is the Email and Phone parameters, the request must contain one of the parameters.

You can use examples of JSON schemes to request the formation of a fiscal document, in section 3.2.5.

Successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": { 
        "ReceiptId": "string"

The «Reciptid» parameter is a unique identifier assigned by the «Ferma» service.

3.2.1. Request description

The request for the formation of a fiscal document is executed by the POST method.



An example of a request for the formation of a simple receipt is given

Example of a JSON scheme for a request to generate a simple receipt for receiving funds in the «Ferma» service:

    "Inn": "0123456789",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f000fee-bbac-4444-bda1-e9ce9999fcc7",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Оплата услуг по страхованию.",
                "Price": 5328.53,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 5328.53,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Example of a successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
        "ReceiptId": "655bf554-a003-47a1-b558-e861ffca2b76"

3.2.2. Descriptions of the successful fiscal document generation

The generated receipt will be considered correct if it meets the following conditions:

  • there is at least one item in the receipt;
  • the price and amount for the position are non-negative;
  • the total amount of all positions must be greater than zero and not exceed the maximum value of the check amount equal to 42949672 rubles;
  • the input line of the product name is no more than 128 characters long, other characters will be cut off;
  • the specified taxation system must coincide with one of the options registered in the CCT;
  • numeric values are transmitted with an accuracy of no more than two decimal places;
  • the INN has been transferred, if it is required in the documentation.

3.2.3. Description of errors

  • «Не найдены данные компании с ИНН Y» - where Y is the value of the taxpayer identification number;
  • «Доступ запрещен» - Access denied;
  • «Ошибка создания чека: X» - where X is the system server message;
  • Error code 1038 – the length of the Client Info field.Name exceeds the maximum length of 256 characters;
  • Error code 1039 – the client's taxpayer identification number is incorrectly specified in the Client Info.Inn field;
  • Error code 1047 – attempt to send a request for the formation of a cash receipt with the parameter KktFA = true, not at the cash registers of the FA;
  • Error code 1048 – attempt to generate a cash receipt with the KktFA = false parameter at the FA cash registers;
  • Error code 1050 – the place of calculation (BillAddress) is incorrectly specified. Maximum length 255 characters;
  • Error code 1051 – invalid value in the field name of the payment subject (Label) with the specified attribute of the payment subject (Payment Type);
  • Error code 1055 – the maximum size of the receipt has been exceeded;
  • INVALID_ADDITIONAL_RECEIPT_PROPERTY – invalid length for additional receipt details (AdditionalReceiptProp). Maximum length of 16 characters;
  • EMPTY_CORRECTION_INFO – the required correction block (Correction Info) is not filled in;
  • INVALID_CORRECTION_RECEIPT – the correction receipt was filled out incorrectly.

3.2.4. Creation of fiscal documents with multiple items

In API Ferma, you can create a receipt without a limit on the number of products.
If the request for the formation of a cash receipt exceeds the threshold of 20,000 characters (~ = 200 items), then Ferma divides the request into several checks that can be stamped at different customer cash desks.

The mechanics of splitting checks are only available for sales paid by non-cash payment method.
To enable mechanics, contact support

A receipt with a large number of positions is formed by the method "Receipt". The description of the parameters of the cash register formation request is presented in the section "3.1. Description of request parameters"



Request body:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "7718221538",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "229244shfjhfkidu144",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
      "TaxationSystem": 0,
      "Email": "",
      "PaymentType": 1,
      "KktFA": false,
      "PaymentAgentInfo": {
        "AgentType": "AGENT",
        "TransferAgentINN": "5047063929"
      "Items": [
          "Label": "Наколенник эластичный \"Серебряный верблюд\", 4 размер",
          "Price": 259.57,
          "Quantity": 2.0,
          "Amount": 519.14,
          "Vat": "VatNo",
          "PaymentMethod": 4,
          "PaymentType": 1,
          "PaymentAgentInfo": {
            "AgentType": "AGENT",
            "SupplierInn": "7718221538",
            "SupplierName": "ООО «Фитосила»",
            "SupplierPhone": "+74959613411"
          "Label": "Налокотник эластичный \"Серебряный верблюд\", 1 размер",
          "Price": 218.37,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 218.37,
          "Vat": "VatNo",
          "PaymentMethod": 4,
          "PaymentType": 1,
          "PaymentAgentInfo": {
            "AgentType": "AGENT",
            "SupplierInn": "7718221538",
            "SupplierName": "ООО «Фитосила»",
            "SupplierPhone": "+74959613411"
          "Label": "Носки из шерсти альпака, р. 25",
          "Price": 191.47,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 191.47,
          "Vat": "VatNo",
          "PaymentMethod": 4,
          "PaymentType": 1,
          "PaymentAgentInfo": {
            "AgentType": "AGENT",
            "SupplierInn": "7718221538",
            "SupplierName": "ООО «Фитосила»",
            "SupplierPhone": "+74959613411"
      "PaymentItems": null
    "Cashier": {}

In response, Ferma will return an array of receipts:

    "Status": "Success",
    "DataList": [
            "ReceiptId": "400dcca2-d15b-48ff-9ec5-71eb6c04c741"
            "ReceiptId": "40651553-d8ad-49eb-9376-af37ac8ca74f"
            "ReceiptId": "e0276498-17bf-4b69-98af-31b50a998e09"
            "ReceiptId": "c6188fcd-b744-4409-b276-b50c8372e5e9"
            "ReceiptId": "1223f1d7-2771-4dac-a067-9c400327a767"

When checking the status of the receipt by the «InvoiceId» parameter, an array of receipts with statuses is returned. Checking the receipt status by the «ReciptId» parameter returns the status of one receipt from the list. The description of the method for checking the status of a cash receipt is presented in the section "3.4. Description of method get verification status fiscal document"

Example of checking the status of a receipt by the «InvoiceId» parameter:

    "Status": "Success",
    "DataList": [
            "StatusCode": 2,
            "StatusName": "CONFIRMED",
            "StatusMessage": "Чек передан в ОФД",
            "ModifiedDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:09",
            "ReceiptDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:09",
            "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptId": "9528b5ac-5197-4f70-b7d7-1a57bfa78d7c",
            "Device": {
                "DeviceId": 7405,
                "RNM": "0000000010053286",
                "ZN": "9985857579",
                "FN": "9999078902001735",
                "FDN": "78224",
                "FPD": "1599519205",
                "ShiftNumber": null,
                "ReceiptNumInShift": 289,
                "DeviceType": "Эфир Pro ФС",
                "OfdReceiptUrl": ""
            "StatusCode": 2,
            "StatusName": "CONFIRMED",
            "StatusMessage": "Чек передан в ОФД",
            "ModifiedDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:19",
            "ReceiptDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:19",
            "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptId": "ed748298-8450-4563-8564-ba5660bb2e30",
            "Device": {
                "DeviceId": 7405,
                "RNM": "0000000010053286",
                "ZN": "9985857579",
                "FN": "9999078902001735",
                "FDN": "78227",
                "FPD": "2919427768",
                "ShiftNumber": null,
                "ReceiptNumInShift": 292,
                "DeviceType": "Эфир Pro ФС",
                "OfdReceiptUrl": ""
            "StatusCode": 2,
            "StatusName": "CONFIRMED",
            "StatusMessage": "Чек передан в ОФД",
            "ModifiedDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:15",
            "ReceiptDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:15",
            "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:15+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:15+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptId": "c54fc696-c36c-4039-8f75-bf0bbf6167a2",
            "Device": {
                "DeviceId": 7405,
                "RNM": "0000000010053286",
                "ZN": "9985857579",
                "FN": "9999078902001735",
                "FDN": "78226",
                "FPD": "3192423269",
                "ShiftNumber": null,
                "ReceiptNumInShift": 291,
                "DeviceType": "Эфир Pro ФС",
                "OfdReceiptUrl": ""
            "StatusCode": 2,
            "StatusName": "CONFIRMED",
            "StatusMessage": "Чек передан в ОФД",
            "ModifiedDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:22",
            "ReceiptDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:22",
            "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:22+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:22+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptId": "aa6e916c-2e9e-4fa4-94d4-8b8dd92c636a",
            "Device": {
                "DeviceId": 7405,
                "RNM": "0000000010053286",
                "ZN": "9985857579",
                "FN": "9999078902001735",
                "FDN": "78228",
                "FPD": "3629293526",
                "ShiftNumber": null,
                "ReceiptNumInShift": 293,
                "DeviceType": "Эфир Pro ФС",
                "OfdReceiptUrl": ""
            "StatusCode": 2,
            "StatusName": "CONFIRMED",
            "StatusMessage": "Чек передан в ОФД",
            "ModifiedDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:05",
            "ReceiptDateUtc": "2021-11-18T15:51:05",
            "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2021-11-18T15:51:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptId": "ea0aa3ab-47de-4fae-b360-72ee28320dcc",
            "Device": {
                "DeviceId": 7405,
                "RNM": "0000000010053286",
                "ZN": "9985857579",
                "FN": "9999078902001735",
                "FDN": "78223",
                "FPD": "678189693",
                "ShiftNumber": null,
                "ReceiptNumInShift": 288,
                "DeviceType": "Эфир Pro ФС",
                "OfdReceiptUrl": ""

3.2.5. Examples of requests for the creation of fiscal documents

Receipt of funds with information about the client:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "2465165753",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "qyqg3456789_u12",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000000",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": null,
        "PaymentType": 1,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo": {
             "Name": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
             "Inn": "5645645319"
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Апартамент A005 с 21.08 по 25.08",
                "Price": 7600.0,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 7600.0,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCodeStructured": null,
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 3,
                "PaymentType": 4,
                "OriginCountryCode": "643",
                "CustomsDeclarationNumber": null,
                "PaymentAgentInfo": null
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Correction receipt/income:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0123456789",
    "Type": "IncomeCorrection",
    "InvoiceId": "test2_8744273567_u12",    
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": {
            "Type": "SELF",
            "Description": "l",
            "ReceiptDate": "15.08.19",
            "ReceiptId": "_"
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Расходы",
                "Price": 1,
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Amount": 1,
                "Vat": "CalculatedVat20120",
                "PaymentMethod": 4,
                "PaymentType": 4

A simple receipt for receiving funds:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0123456789",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f000fee-bbac-4444-bda1-8888_u22",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Оплата услуг по страхованию.",
                "Price": 5328.53,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 5328.53,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Simple receipt of funds with customs information:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0123456789",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f110fee-bbac-7777-bda1-e9555996fcc7_1",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Таблетки от кашля иностранные",
                "Price": 10.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 10.00,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0,
                "OriginCountryCode": "398",
                "CustomsDeclarationNumber": "ТаможняДала Добро №1/#15",
                "PaymentType": 10
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

A simple receipt for receiving funds with different characteristics of the subject of payment (PaymentType):

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "5319782640",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f110fee-bbac-4446-bda1-e9ce2996fcc0_12",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Оплата услуг по страхованию.",
                "Price": 10.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 10.00,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0,
                "PaymentType": 10
                "Label": "Услуга по страхованию.",
                "Price": 100.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 100.00,
                "Vat": "Vat20",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0,
                "PaymentType": 3
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Simple receipt of funds with different suppliers (Supplier):

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "5645648283",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f000fee-bbac-4444-bda1-e9111111fcc0_u1",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo": null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Таблетки от кашля иностранные",
                "Price": 10.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 10.00,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0,
                "OriginCountryCode": "398",
                "CustomsDeclarationNumber": "ТаможняДала Добро №1/#15",
                "PaymentType": 10,
                "PaymentAgentInfo": {
                    "AgentType": "PAYMENT_SUBAGENT",
                    "TransferAgentPhone": "+79000000002",
                    "TransferAgentName": "ГУП ВЦКП \"Жилищное хозяйство\"",
                    "TransferAgentAddress": "190031, Санкт-Петербург,Наб. р. Фонтанки, 105",
                    "TransferAgentINN": "7984798465",
                    "PaymentAgentOperation": "Оплата по лицевому счету",
                    "PaymentAgentPhone": "+79000000003",
                    "ReceiverPhone": "",
                    "SupplierInn": "1739818379",
                    "SupplierName": "Купец Иванов",
                    "SupplierPhone": "+79000000004"
                "Label": "Таблетки от жадности иностранные",
                "Price": 10.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 10.00,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0,
                "OriginCountryCode": "398",
                "CustomsDeclarationNumber": "ТаможняДала Добро №1/#15",
                "PaymentType": 10,
                "PaymentAgentInfo": {
                    "AgentType": "PAYMENT_SUBAGENT",
                    "TransferAgentPhone": "+79000000002",
                    "TransferAgentName": "ГУП ВЦКП \"Жилищное хозяйство\"",
                    "TransferAgentAddress": "190031, Санкт-Петербург,Наб. р. Фонтанки, 105",
                    "TransferAgentINN": "7984798465",
                    "PaymentAgentOperation": "Оплата по лицевому счету",
                    "PaymentAgentPhone": "+79000000003",
                    "ReceiverPhone": "",
                    "SupplierInn": "2839172837",
                    "SupplierName": "ООО Медсерв и Ко",
                    "SupplierPhone": "+79000000005"
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

A simple receipt for receiving funds with a sample of the payment agent:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "4613794639",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "1256_u1",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "PaymentType": 0,
        "CustomUserProperty": null,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": {
            "AgentType": "AGENT",
            "TransferAgentPhone": "+79000000001",
            "TransferAgentName": "ПАО Сбербанк",
            "TransferAgentAddress": "г. Екатеринбург, ул.Московская 11",
            "TransferAgentINN": "1346976431",
            "PaymentAgentOperation": "Оплата по лицевому счету",
            "PaymentAgentPhone": "+79000000002"
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Услуги ЖКХ по л/с 4340119233",
                "Price": 889.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 889.00,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "PaymentMethod": 4,
                "PaymentType": 4
        "PaymentItems": [
                "PaymentType": 1,
                "Sum": 889.00

A simple receipt for receiving funds with the supplier's data:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "1739284652",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f330fee-bbac-6661-bda1-e8111886fcc8_u12",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": {
            "AgentType": "AGENT",
            "TransferAgentPhone": "+79000000002",
            "TransferAgentName": "ГУП ВЦКП \"Жилищное хозяйство\"",
            "TransferAgentAddress": "190031, Санкт-Петербург,Наб. р. Фонтанки, 105",
            "TransferAgentINN": "5456232189",
            "PaymentAgentOperation": "Оплата по лицевому счету",
            "PaymentAgentPhone": "+79000000003",
            "ReceiverPhone": "",
            "SupplierInn": "7898654512",
            "SupplierName": "АО РЦ Урала",
            "SupplierPhone": "+79000000004"
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Таблетки от кашля иностранные",
                "Price": 10.00,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 10.00,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0,
                "OriginCountryCode": "398",
                "CustomsDeclarationNumber": "ТаможняДала Добро №1/#15",
                "PaymentType": 10
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Simple receipt with additional receipt details (BSO) (AdditionalReceiptProp):

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "1739284652",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f222fee-bbac-4444-bda1-e9ce2442fc",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46222",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : {
            "Name": "Тестов Тест Тестович",
            "Inn": "123456789102"
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Оплата услуг по страхованию.",
                "Price": 5328.53,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 5328.53,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null,
        "AdditionalReceiptProp": "1234567890"

Correction receipt in the presence of commodity items (Items) and the type of calculated VAT (Vat):

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "1739284652",
    "Type": "BuyCorrection",
    "InvoiceId": "2f222fee-bbac-4444-bda9-e9ce99996",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": {
            "Type": "INSTRUCTION",
            "Description": "Коррекция",
            "ReceiptDate": "12.06.2019",
            "ReceiptId": "123"
        "ClientInfo": null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Оплата услуг по страхованию.",
                "Price": 150,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 150,
                "Vat": "Vat10",
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Correction receipt, for an erroneous generated receipt:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "781148191912",
    "Type": "IncomeCorrection",
    "InvoiceId": "ffb7fc5e-fe96-4f8f-900c-e88d8c27",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
      "TaxationSystem": "Common",
      "Email": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "InstallmentPlace": null,
      "InstallmentAddress": null,
      "BillAddress": null,
      "KktFA": false,
      "AutomatNumber": null,
      "PaymentType": 4,
      "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
      "CorrectionInfo": {
        "Type": "SELF",
        "Description": "Ошибочный чек",
        "ReceiptDate": "17.01.21",
        "ReceiptId": "3144062149"
    "ClientInfo": null,
    "Items": [
        "Label": "Отмена оплаты подписки",
        "Price": 2000,
        "Quantity": 1,
        "Amount": 2000,
        "Vat": "VatNo",
        "MarkingCodeStructured": null,
        "MarkingCode": null,
        "PaymentMethod": 0,
        "MeasurementUnit": null,
        "PaymentType": 0,
        "OriginCountryCode": null,
        "CustomsDeclarationNumber": null,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "UserProperty1080": null
    "PaymentItems": null,
    "Vat": null,
    "CustomUserProperty": null,
    "AdditionalReceiptProp": 3144062149

A simple receipt for receiving funds with a marking code (MarkingCodeData):

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0258469137",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f290fee-bbac-111-bda1-e1131",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
          "Label": "Тестотвый товар",
          "Price": 50.0,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 50.0,
          "Vat": "CalculatedVat20120",
          "PaymentMethod": 3,
          "Measure": "PIECE",
          "OriginCountryCode": 46,
          "CustomsDeclarationNumber": 4567896,
          "IndustryItemRequisite": {
            "FoivId": "046",
            "DocDate": "01.01.2021",
            "DocNumber": "123",
            "Value": "456"
          "MarkingCodeData": {
            "Code": "00000046210654mT/hXgcAAPidGVz",
            "Type": "UNKNOWN_PRODUCT_CODE",
            "PlannedStatus": "PRODUCT_STATUS_NOT_CHANGED", 
            "Fractional": { 
             "Numerator": 1, 
             "Denominator": 10             
          "PaymentType": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

A simple receipt for receiving funds with the «Excise» parameter:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0123456789",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f000fee-bbac-4444-bda1-e9ce9999f676",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "AutomaticDeviceNumber": "46204",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "Items": [
                "Label": "Оплата услуг по страхованию.",
                "Price": 5328.53,
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Amount": 5328.53,
                "Vat": "VatNo",
                "Excise": 50.47,
                "MarkingCode": null,
                "PaymentMethod": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

Simple advance receipt:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0258469137",
    "Type": "IncomePrepayment",
    "InvoiceId": "6f2966789fee-bb23ac-111-b555a1-e1138881",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "PaymentType": 1,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
          "Label": "Тестотвый товар",
          "Price": 50.0,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 50.0,
          "Vat": "CalculatedVat20120",
          "PaymentMethod": 3,
          "Measure": "OTHER",
          "PaymentType": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

A simple check offsetting an advance:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0258469137",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f2966789fee-bb23ac-111-b555a1-e1138881",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "PaymentType": 1,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
          "Label": "Тестотвый товар",
          "Price": 50.0,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 50.0,
          "Vat": "CalculatedVat20120",
          "PaymentMethod": 4,
          "Measure": "OTHER",
          "PaymentType": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

3.3. Description of the fiscal documents with marking code data

Customers of the connected Ferma service have access to cash registers in the format of fiscal documents version 1.2. Since August 6, 2021, the Federal Tax Service of Russia has introduced a new format of fiscal documents — FFD 1.2. You can learn more about the FFD 1.2 format in the order of the Federal Tax Service from 14.09.2020г. № ЕД-7-20/662@.

In FFD version 1.2, the value of the marking code is passed in the «Marking Code Data» parameter, as part of the «Items» parameter (Tag 1059).

If no value was set in the «MarkingCodeData» parameter in the Type parameter when generating the receipt, the value «UNKNOWN_PRODUCT_CODE» is set by default

3.3.1. Description of the creation fiscal documents with marking code data request

The product marking code is transmitted in the receipt as part of the Items parameter (tag 1059). To transmit the marking code in accordance with FFD 1.2, the «MarkingCodeData» parameter has been developed at «Ferma» service.
The choice of the «Type» parameter value depends on the format of the marking code. A description of the marking code formats is provided in the order of the Federal Tax Service от 14.09.2020г. № ЕД-7-20/662@. The marking code read by the scanner is transmitted in the «Code» parameter.

The parameter for checking the marking code «CheckMcMode» is optional in request for the formation of a fiscal document . Before forming the receipt, the cashier will automatically check the marking code.
If you did not specify the «CheckMcMode» parameter in the request, a check will be generated with any result of checking the marking code in the CRPT.
If you passed one of the following values: one of the following values: | | |

  • IGNORE_ANY_ERRORS - regardless of the result of the check, it is set by default, a cash receipt will be generated;
  • REQUIRE_NO_M_MINUS - the cashier will generate a receipt if the result of checking the KKM in the CRPT is not equal to the value [М-]. If the result of the code check turns out to be equal to the value [М-] the cash register will not generate a cash receipt.

If you could not determine the format of the marking code, specify the value «UNKNOWN_PRODUCT_CODE» in the «Type» parameter. The cashier will automatically check the marking code in the CRPT and determine the format.

The «MarkingCodeData» parameter contains the parameters described in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7. Description of the "MarkingCodeData" parameter TAG 1163

Parameter Parameter Value format Description TAG42) Required43)
Type String Marking code format
It can take the following values:
- EAN8 — the value of the marking code in the format EAN-8 1301
- EAN13 — the value of the marking code in the format EAN-13 1302
- ITF14 — the value of the marking code in the format ITF-14 1303
- GS1 — the value of the marking code in the format GS1 1304
- GS1M 1305
- SHORT_MC 1306
- FUR — Control and identification mark of a fur product 1307
- EGAIS20 — the value of the marking code in the format EGAIS-2.0. 1308
- EGAIS30 — the value of the marking code in the format EGAIS-3.0. 1309
- KTF1 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1320
- KTF2 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1321
- KTF3 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1322
- KTF4 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1323
- KTF5 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1324
- KTF6 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia 1325
Code String Marking code.
The parameter passes the value received by the barcode scanner
PlannedStatus String If in the parameter «PlannedStatus» the value was not set, then the default value is set to «PIECE_PRODUCT_INCOME» (piece goods).
The planned status of the goods with marking code can take the following values:
2003 3
- PIECE_PRODUCT_INCOME — Piece goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification have been sold;
- MEASURED_PRODUCT_INCOME — Dimensional goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification, under implementation;
- PIECE_PRODUCT_RETURN — Piece goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification have been returned;
- MEASURED_PRODUCT_RETURN — Part of the goods subject to mandatory identification marking has been returned;
- PRODUCT_STATUS_NOT_CHANGED — The status of the goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification has not changed.
Fractional Object The tag contains a fractional amount of the marked product 1291 2
Numerator Integer Numerator (the value must be strictly less than the value of the tag 1294) 1293 1
Denominator Integer Denominator 1294 1

A simple receipt for receiving funds with a marking code (MarkingCodeData):

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "0258469137",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "6f290fee-bbac-111-bda1-e1131",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CustomerReceipt": {
        "TaxationSystem": "Common",
        "Email": "",
        "Phone": "+79000000001",
        "PaymentType": 4,
        "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
        "CorrectionInfo": null,
        "ClientInfo" : null,
        "Items": [
          "Label": "Тестотвый товар",
          "Price": 50.0,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 50.0,
          "Vat": "CalculatedVat20120",
          "PaymentMethod": 3,
          "Measure": "PIECE",
          "OriginCountryCode": 46,
          "CustomsDeclarationNumber": 4567896,
          "IndustryItemRequisite": {
            "FoivId": "046",
            "DocDate": "01.01.2021",
            "DocNumber": "123",
            "Value": "456"
          "MarkingCodeData": {
            "Code": "00000046210654mT/hXgcAAPidGVz",
            "Type": "UNKNOWN_PRODUCT_CODE",
            "PlannedStatus": "PRODUCT_STATUS_NOT_CHANGED", 
            "Fractional": { 
             "Numerator": 1, 
             "Denominator": 10             
          "PaymentType": 0
        "PaymentItems": null,
        "CustomUserProperty": null

3.3.2. Description of marking code data reinspection request

In case of requests to process a check in the Ferma API, it is available to set the waiting time for receiving a positive MarkingCode inspection result. After the waiting time interval has expired, the cloud cash register will issue a check with the first successful result of the Marking Code inspection regarding «Честный Знак» data bases.

The setting of a desired waiting and processing time interval for receiving a positive MarkingCode inspection result is optional.

Current limitations for a maximum available value - half an hour. Parameter value is set in seconds. The value should not exceed 1800 seconds, also the value should be strictly positive (greater than 0). If the value exceeds 1800 seconds then the error (code 1085) will be presented along with the notification about incorrect value of the parameter.

Request example:

  "Request": {
    "Inn": "7841465198",
    "Type": "Income",
    "InvoiceId": "sdf21111q1111",
    "McCheckRetryPeriodSec": 600,
    "CustomerReceipt": {
      "TaxationSystem": "Common",
      "Email": "",
      "KktFA": false,
      "PaymentType": 1,
      "Items": [
          "Label": "Товар с КМ",
          "Price": 50.0,
          "Quantity": 1.0,
          "Amount": 50.0,
          "Vat": "CalculatedVat20120",
          "PaymentMethod": 3,
          "Measure": "PIECE",
          "MarkingCodeData": {
            "Code": "\u00E8010460780959133121e/Fw:xeo47NK2\u001D91F010\u001D92Afwuf6d3c9oszbRy/Vb+hRU|1wokz/8UOthdpBYw9A0=",
            "Type": "GS1M",
            "Fractional": {
              "Numerator": "1",
              "Denominator": "2"
          "PaymentType": 0

Error message example:

    "Status": "Failed",
    "Data": {
        "ValidationErrors": [
                "FieldName": "receipt.mcCheckRetryPeriodSec",
                "Description": "Допустимый период проверки КМ не должен превышать полчаса в секундах (1800 сек)"
    "Error": {
        "Code": 1085,
        "Message": "Запрос содержит ошибки"

3.4. Description of method get verification status fiscal document

Attention! Information about the status of the cash receipt is stored in the RAM of the Ferma service for only a day. After the expiration of the day, when the status of the cash receipt is requested again, the error «The receipt was not found» will be displayed in response. After the expiration of the day, information about the status of the cash receipt can be obtained in request for the register of cash receipts.



You can check the status of the receipt after the following parameters:

  • ReceiptId - id assigned by the «Ferma» service;
  • InvoiceId - the identifier generated by your information system.

Request body by parameter «ReceiptId»:

    "Request": {
        "ReceiptId": "string"

Request body by parameter «InvoiceId»:

    "Request": {
        "InvoiceId": "string"

The parameters are described in the table 3.8.

Table 3.8. Description of the parameters of the cash receipt status request

Parameter Parameter Value format Description
Request Object Parameters for requesting the status of a cash document
ReceiptId String ID assigned by the «Ferma» service
InvoiceId String The identifier assigned by your information system in the request for the formation of a cash receipt.

Successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": { 
        "StatusCode": 1,
        "StatusName": "PROCESSED",
        "StatusMessage": "Чек сформирован на кассе",
        "ModifiedDateUtc": "2020-09-15T17:37:00",
        "ReceiptDateUtc": "2020-09-15T17:37:00",
        "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2020-09-15T17:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
        "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2020-09-15T17:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
        "Device": {
            "DeviceId": "string",
            "RNM": "string",
            "ZN": "string",
            "FN": "string",
            "FDN": "string",
            "FPD": "string"
            "ShiftNumber": null,
            "ReceiptNumInShift": 1,
            "DeviceType": null,
            "OfdReceiptUrl": "string"

The description of the response parameters is given in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9. Description of the parameters of the response to the request for information about the cash receipt

Parameter Parameter Value format Description
StatusCode Integer Status code
StatusName String Status name
StatusMessage String Optional parameter, contains additional information about the current state
ModifiedDateUtc String44) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateUtc String45) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
ModifiedDateTimeIso String46) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateTimeIso String47) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
Device Object Device Information (KKT)
DeviceId String Device Service ID
RNM String Registration number of the cash register
ZN String The factory number of the cash register
FN String Fiscal device number
FDN String Number of the fiscal document
FPD String Fiscal feature of the document
ShiftNumber Integer Shift number
ReceiptNumInShift Integer The number of the check in the shift
DeviceType String Cash register model
OfdReceiptUrl String Link to the receipt


  • the request for the receipt was accepted by the «Ferma» service:
    • «StatusCode»: 0,
    • «StatusName»: «NEW»,
    • «StatusMessage»: «запрос на чек принят Фермой»,
  • the receipt is generated at the checkout:
    • «StatusCode»: 1,
    • «StatusName»: «PROCESSED»,
    • «StatusMessage»: «чек сформирован на кассе»,
  • the receipt has been transferred to the OFD:
    • «StatusCode»: 2,
    • «StatusName»: «CONFIRMED»,
    • «StatusMessage»: «чек передан в ОФД»
  • the receipt has not been transferred to the Department of Internal Affairs, you need to send it again:
    • «StatusCode»: 3,
    • «StatusName»: «KKT_ERROR»

If the receipt did not pass the FLK when forming at the checkout, the response has the following form:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
        "StatusCode": 3,
        "StatusName": "KKT_ERROR",
        "StatusMessage": "Ошибка пробития чека на кассе",
        "Description": "[-3975] Некорректное значение параметров команды ФН",
        "ModifiedDateUtc": "2020-07-25T12:08:00",
        "ReceiptDateUtc": null,
        "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2020-07-25T12:08:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
        "ReceiptDateTimeIso": null,
        "Device": null

The description of the error response parameters is given in Table 3.10.

Table 3.10. Description of the parameters of an error response to a request for information about a cash receipt

Parameter Value format Description
StatusCode Integer Error code
StatusName String Error name
StatusMessage String Error Description
Description String Detailed description of the error
ModifiedDateUtc String48) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateUtc String49) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
ModifiedDateTimeIso String50) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateTimeIso String51) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
Device Object Device Information (ККТ)

When receiving the values of «StatusCode»: 0,1,3, the following actions should be performed:

  • When receiving the «statusCode» value: 0 the transaction is being executed, it is necessary to repeat the request until the status 1, 2 or 3 is received. If the value is returned and no shift has been opened during the day, then you need to contact technical support « »;
  • When receiving the «StatusCode» value: 1 make a repeat request before receiving status 1, 2 or 3;
  • When receiving the «StatusCode» value: 3 it is necessary to correct the transaction and re-forward the transaction with a change in the value of «InvoiceId».

If an error is received, it is necessary to check the entered data and correct them in accordance with the system message. Then re-execute the transaction request. A list of all possible errors is provided here. If you can't figure out the problem yourself, then contact technical support « ».

3.5. Description of method get list fiscal device

The register of cash receipts can be queried using two different methods:

When using the list method, the response returns information about the server processing time of the receipt. See Table 3.11.


When using the list2 method, the response returns information about the time when the receipt was punched at the checkout (checkout time). See Table 3.11.


Request body:

    "Request": {
        "ReceiptId": "e0d1122f-4e88-777a-8e8e-c333f333e4d4",
        "StartDateUtc": "2020-01-24T14:13:24",
        "EndDateUtc": "2020-01-24T14:13:24",
        "StartDateLocal": "2020-01-24T14:13:24",
        "EndDateLocal": "2020-01-24T14:13:24"

The parameters of the «Request» structure are given in Table 3.11.

Table 3.11. Description of the parameters of the register of cash receipts request

Parameter Value format Description Required
ReceiptId String The ID of the receipt assigned by the «Ferma» service No
StartDateUtc String52) Date and time of the start of the interval in Moscow time No
EndDateUtc String53) Date and time of the end of the interval in Moscow time No
StartDateLocal String54) Local date and time of the start of the interval Yes
EndDateLocal String55) Local date and time of the end of the interval Yes

Successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": [
            "ReceiptId": "44ff3d74-7414-4f71-ac5e-80242914be8a",
            "StatusCode": 2,
            "StatusName": "Чек передан в ОФД",
            "StatusMessage": "CONFIRMED",
            "ModifiedDateUtc": "2020-09-15T17:37:52",
            "ReceiptDateUtc": "2020-09-15T17:37:52",
            "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2020-09-15T17:37:52+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2020-09-15T17:37:52.437+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
            "InvoiceId": "a011y93242ab11623abdd",
            "Receipt": {
                "cashboxInfoHolder": {
                    "checkNumInShift": "2",
                    "shiftNum": "15",
                    "totalSum": 4000,
                    "DeviceId": 6608,
                    "RNM": "0000000001017018",
                    "ZN": "00107601637967",
                    "FN": "9999078902005984",
                    "FDN": "0000000208",
                    "FPD": "3649802185"
                "Inn": "3245001416",
                "Type": "Income",
                "InvoiceId": "a011y93242ab11623abdd",
                "CustomerReceipt": {
                    "TaxationSystem": "0",
                    "Email": "",
                    "Phone": null,
                    "BillAddress": "Тестируем маркировку табака",
                    "KktFA": true,
                    "PaymentType": 4,
                    "PaymentAgentInfo": null,
                    "CorrectionInfo": null,
                    "ClientInfo": null,
                    "Items": [
                            "Label": "Табак с кодом маркировки",
                            "Price": 1000.0,
                            "Quantity": 1.0,
                            "Amount": 1000.0,
                            "Vat": "Vat20",
                            "MarkingCodeStructured": {
                                "Gtin": "77777777777777",
                                "Serial": "RXWWWRRRRRRRR",
                                "Type": "MEDICINES"
                            "MarkingCode": null,
                            "PaymentMethod": 4,
                            "PaymentType": 4,
                            "OriginCountryCode": null,
                            "CustomsDeclarationNumber": null,
                            "PaymentAgentInfo": null
                            "Label": "Табак с кодом маркировки",
                            "Price": 1000.0,
                            "Quantity": 1.0,
                            "Amount": 1000.0,
                            "Vat": "Vat20",
                            "MarkingCodeStructured": {
                                "Gtin": "77777777777777",
                                "Serial": "RXWWWRRRRRRRS",
                                "Type": "MEDICINES"
                            "MarkingCode": null,
                            "PaymentMethod": 4,
                            "PaymentType": 4,
                            "OriginCountryCode": null,
                            "CustomsDeclarationNumber": null,
                            "PaymentAgentInfo": null
                            "Label": "Табак с кодом ма12154215ркировки",
                            "Price": 1000.0,
                            "Quantity": 1.0,
                            "Amount": 1000.0,
                            "Vat": "Vat20",
                            "MarkingCodeStructured": {
                                "Gtin": "7",
                                "Serial": "RXWWWRRRRRRRR",
                                "Type": "MEDICINES"
                            "MarkingCode": null,
                            "PaymentMethod": 4,
                            "PaymentType": 4,
                            "OriginCountryCode": null,
                            "CustomsDeclarationNumber": null,
                            "PaymentAgentInfo": null
                            "Label": "Табак с кодом марк2222ировки",
                            "Price": 1000.0,
                            "Quantity": 1.0,
                            "Amount": 1000.0,
                            "Vat": "Vat20",
                            "MarkingCodeStructured": null,
                            "MarkingCode": null,
                            "PaymentMethod": 4,
                            "PaymentType": 4,
                            "OriginCountryCode": null,
                            "CustomsDeclarationNumber": null,
                            "PaymentAgentInfo": null
                    "PaymentItems": [
                            "PaymentType": 1,
                            "Sum": 4000.0
                    "Vat": null,
                    "CustomUserProperty": null,
                    "AdditionalReceiptProp": null
                "Cashier": {}

The description of the «Data» parameter is given in Table 3.12.

Table 3.12. Parameters of the structure of the response to the request of the register of cash receipts

Parameter Value format Description
ReceiptId String The ID of the receipt assigned by the «Ferma» service
StatusCode Integer Status code
StatusName String Status name
StatusMessage String Optional parameter, contains additional information about the current state.
ModifiedDateUtc String56) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateUtc String57) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time. When using the list method, the server time of receipt processing is returned, when using list2, it returns the time of receipt formation at the checkout (checkout time)
ModifiedDateTimeIso String58) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateTimeIso String59) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time. When using the list method, the server time of receipt processing is returned, when using list2, it returns the time of receipt formation at the checkout (checkout time)
InvoiceId String The identifier assigned by your information system in the request for the formation of a cash receipt.
Receipt Object The contents of the customer receipt. The parameters of the elements of the «Receipt» structure are given in Table 3.13.

Table 3.13. Description of the parameters of the cash receipt

Parameter Parameter Parameter Value format Description
cashboxInfoHolder Object Information about the cash register
checkNumInShift Integer The number of the check in the shift
shiftNum Integer Shift number
totalSum Integer Total amount on the receipt
cashboxType Integer Type of cash register
DeviceId String Device Service ID
RNM String Registration number of the cash register
ZN String The factory number of the cash register
FN String Fiscal device number
FDN String Number of the fiscal document
FPD String Fiscal feature of the document
Inn String Identification number of the taxpayer's organization
Type String Type fiscal document (cash receipt).
The type can have the following values:
– «Income» — receiving funds from the buyer;
– «IncomeReturn» — refund of funds received from the buyer;
– «IncomePrepayment» — advance payment from the buyer;
– «IncomeReturnPrepayment» — refund of the advance payment;
– «IncomeCorrection» — correction receipt/income;
– «BuyCorrection» — correction receipt/expense;
– «IncomeReturnCorrection» - чcorrection receipt/Return of income;
– «ExpenseReturnCorrection» - чек коррекции/Return of expense;
– «Expense» — disbursement of funds to the buyer;
– «ExpenseReturn» — refund of funds issued to the buyer.
InvoiceId String The identifier assigned by your information system in the request for the formation of a cash receipt.
CustomerReceipt Object Contents of the customer receipt.
TaxationSystem String Taxation system.
The parameter of the taxation system can take the following values:
– «Common» or «0» — general taxation system;
– «SimpleIn» or «1» — simplified taxation system (income);
– «SimpleInOut» or «2» — simplified taxation system (income minus expense);
– «UnifiedAgricultural» or «4» — unified agricultural tax;
– «Patent» or «5» — patent taxation system.
Email String Customer's email address
Phone String Customer's contact phone number
BillAddress String Place of settlement
KktFA Boolean If the FA cash register is used in the Ferma service, you must set the value to true. If you use the FS cash register, you must set the value to false.
The FA cash register can be used for:
– vending machine, when making payments for goods or services;
– making payments for travel in automated mode (through a validator) or making payments through the conductor's terminal.
PaymentType Integer Indication of the subject of calculation for the entire receipt.
Attention! If the value is not specified by the client in this field, the default value is used, which is set by default when setting up a «Ferma» service account.
The list of possible values is listed in the section 3.1.4.
PaymentAgentInfo Object The parameter contains the data of the payment agent
AgentType String Type (attribute) of the payment agent. Possible values:
BANK_PAYMENT_AGENT — bank payment agent;
BANK_PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — bank payment subagent;
PAYMENT_AGENT — payment agent;
PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — payment subagent;
CONFIDANT — attorney;
COMMISSIONER — commission agent;
AGENT — agent.
CorrectionInfo Object Parameter with the data structure for the correction receipt.
Description String Description of correction and reasons for correction
Type String Type of correction:
SELF — the correction is made independently;
INSTRUCTION — the correction is made according to the order of the tax department
ReceiptDate String The date of the check breakdown to which the correction check is applied. In the format «DD.MM.YY», where DD — day, MM — month, YY — year.
ReceiptId String Number of the order of the tax agency
ClientInfo Object Customer data
Name String Full name or name of the organization, if the client is a legal entity. No more than 256 characters in the field
Inn String The taxpayer identification number of the buyer. Length 10-12 numbers
Items Object Commodity items purchased by the client. The description of the «Items» parameter is given in Table 3.14.
PaymentItems Object Amounts by payment type
PaymentType Integer Payment type:
0 – in cash;
1 – cashless;
2 – advance payment (advance payment);
3 – advance payment (credit);
4 – other form of payment.
Sum Float Amount by type, in rubles
Vat String Type of calculated VAT.
Required field for correction checks if Items is not NULL.
The parameter can take the following values:
- «VatNo» — value added tax without VAT;
- «Vat10» — value added tax (VAT) 10%;
- «Vat20» — VAT 20%;
- «Vat0» — VAT 0%;
- «CalculatedVat10110» — calculated VAT of 10% of 110% of the amount;
- «CalculatedVat20120» — calculated VAT 20% of 120% of the amount.
CustomUserProperty Object Additional user details, taking into account the specifics of the field of activity in which the calculations are carried out
Name String The name of the additional user details, taking into account the specifics of the field of activity in which the calculations are carried out
Value String The value of the user's additional details, taking into account the specifics of the field of activity in which the calculations are carried out
AdditionalReceiptProp String Additional details of the receipt (BSO). It is used as part of a cash receipt (BSO). The maximum length is 16 characters.
Cashier Object Information about the cashier
Name String Name cashier
Inn String Cashier's Tax Identification number

Table 3.14. Description of the "Items" parameter

Parameter Parameter Parameter Value format Description
Label String Name of the subject of calculation
Price Float The price of a commodity item in rubles
Quantity Float Quantity of goods
Amount Float The total cost of the goods in the commodity item in rubles
Vat String Type of calculated VAT.
Required field for correction checks if Items is not NULL.
The parameter can take the following values:
- «VatNo» — value added tax without VAT;
- «Vat10» — value added tax (VAT) 10%;
- «Vat20» — VAT 20%;
- «Vat0» — VAT 0%;
- «CalculatedVat10110» — calculated VAT of 10% of 110% of the amount;
- «CalculatedVat20120» — calculated VAT 20% of 120% of the amount.
MarkingCodeData Object Product item marking code.
Type String Marking code format
It can take the following values:
- EAN8 — the value of the marking code in the format EAN-8
- EAN13 — the value of the marking code in the format EAN-13
- ITF14 — the value of the marking code in the format ITF-14
- GS1 — the value of the marking code in the format GS1
- GS1M
- FUR — Control and identification mark of a fur product
- EGAIS20 — the value of the marking code in the format EGAIS-2.0.
- EGAIS30 — the value of the marking code in the format EGAIS-3.0.
- KTF1 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
- KTF2 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
- KTF3 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
- KTF4 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
- KTF5 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
- KTF6 — Determined by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
Code String Marking code.
The parameter passes the value received by the barcode scanner
PlannedStatus String If in the parameter «PlannedStatus» the value was not set, then the default value is set to «PIECE_PRODUCT_INCOME» (piece goods).
The planned status of the goods with marking code can take the following values:
- PIECE_PRODUCT_INCOME — Piece goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification have been sold;
- MEASURED_PRODUCT_INCOME — Dimensional goods subject to mandatory labeling by means of identification, under implementation;
- PIECE_PRODUCT_RETURN — Piece goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification have been returned;
- MEASURED_PRODUCT_RETURN — Part of the goods subject to mandatory identification marking has been returned;
- PRODUCT_STATUS_NOT_CHANGED — The status of the goods subject to mandatory marking by means of identification has not changed.
Fractional Object The tag contains a fractional amount of the marked product
Numerator Integer Numerator (the value must be strictly less than the value of the tag 1294)
Denominator Integer Denominator
PaymentMethod Integer Indication of the calculation method:
- 1 — prepayment 100%;
- 2 — prepayment;
- 3 — prepaid expense;
- 4 — full calculation;
- 5 — partial calculation;
- 6 — transfer on credit;
- 7 — payment on credit.
PaymentType Integer Indication of the subject of calculation for the entire receipt.
Attention! If the value is not specified by the client in this field, the default value is used, which is set by default when setting up a «Ferma» service account.
The list of possible values is listed in the section 3.1.4.
OriginCountryCode Integer The code of the country of origin of the goods. No more than 3 digits. 60)
CustomsDeclarationNumber String The number of the customs declaration. Maximum of 32 characters
PaymentAgentInfo Object The parameter contains the data of the payment agent
AgentType String Type (attribute) of the payment agent. Possible values:
BANK_PAYMENT_AGENT — bank payment agent;
BANK_PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — bank payment subagent;
PAYMENT_AGENT — payment agent;
PAYMENT_SUBAGENT — payment subagent;
CONFIDANT — attorney;
COMMISSIONER — commission agent;
AGENT — agent.
TransferAgentPhone String Phone number of the money transfer operator
TransferAgentName String Agent's name
TransferAgentAddress String Agent's address
TransferAgentINN String Taxpayer identification number of the agent
PaymentAgentOperation String Payment Agent operation
PaymentAgentPhone String Phone number of the payment agent
ReceiverPhone String Consumer's phone number
SupplierInn String Taxpayer identification number of the supplier
SupplierName String Name of the supplier
SupplierPhone String Supplier's phone number

Depending on which parameters were passed when forming the receipt, some elements may be missing or have the value «null».

In case the check did not pass the FLK when it was broken through at the checkout, the answer has the following form:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
        "StatusCode": 3,
        "StatusName": "KKT_ERROR",
        "StatusMessage": "Ошибка пробития чека на кассе",
        "Description": "[-3975] Некорректное значение параметров команды ФН",
        "ModifiedDateUtc": "2020-07-25T12:08:00",
        "ReceiptDateUtc": null,
        "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2020-07-25T12:08:00+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
        "ReceiptDateTimeIso": null,
        "Device": null

The description of the «Data» parameter when receiving an error response is given in Table 3.15.

Table 3.15. Description of the response parameters when receiving an error to request information about the cash receipt

Parameter Value format Description
StatusCode Integer Status code
StatusName String Status name
StatusMessage String Optional parameter, contains additional information about the current state
Description String Detailed description of the error
ModifiedDateUtc String61) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateUtc String62) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
ModifiedDateTimeIso String63) Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateTimeIso String64) The date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
Device Object Device Information (KKT)

If an error is received, it is necessary to check the entered data and correct them in accordance with the system message. After that, re-send the request for the formation of a cash receipt. A list of all possible errors is provided here. If you can't figure out the problem yourself, then contact your manager or our technical support.

3.6. Description of method get list fiscal device for the period



Request Parameters:

  • Date1 и Date2 – the start and end dates of the period, for a list of serial numbers of fiscal drives that processed the FD. Transmitted as a string of characters containing the date and time in ISO format.
  • Code1 – valid authentication key received in response to request for an authentication key.

Successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": [
            "fn": "9280440300111111",
            "firstReceiptDate": "2019-07-16",
            "lastReceiptDate": "2019-07-17"
            "fn": "9280440300222222",
            "firstReceiptDate": "2019-07-16",
            "lastReceiptDate": "2019-07-17"

3.7. Description of method get list receipt with all fiscal parameters



Successful response:

  • Code1 – valid authentication key received in response to request for an authentication key.
  • dateFromIncl (required parameter) - the lower limit of the date in Moscow including. yyyy-MM-dd format;
  • dateToIncl (required parameter) - the upper limit of the date in Moscow including. yyyy-MM-dd format;
  • receiptId (optional parameter) - receipt id;
  • zn (optional parameter) - KKT serial number;
  • fn (optional parameter) - FN number;

Successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
        "Receipts": [
                "Tag": 3,
                "TotalSumm": 1000,
                "CashSumm": 0,
                "ECashSumm": 1000,
                "Nds00_TotalSumm": 0,
                "NdsNA_TotalSumm": 0,
                "PrepaidSumm": 0,
                "ProvisionSumm": 0,
                "DocDateTime": "2020-11-05 00:00:00Z",
                "OperationType": "Income",
                "DocNumber": XXXXXXXX,
                "KktRegNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
                "FnNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
                "DocShiftNumber": XXXXXXXX,
                "ReceiptNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
                "DecimalFiscalSign": "XXXXXXXX",
                "CDateUt": "2020-11-05 00:01:47Z",
                "Items": [
                        "Name": "XXXXXXXX",
                        "Quantity": 1,
                        "Total": 1000,
                        "CalculationMethod": 3,
                        "SubjectType": "0A",
                        "Nds10_TotalSumm": 0,
                        "Nds18_TotalSumm": 0,
                        "Barcode": null,
                        "NdsCalculated10": 0,
                        "NdsCalculated18": 167


                "Tag": 3,
                "TotalSumm": 10000,
                "CashSumm": 0,
                "ECashSumm": 10000,
                "Nds00_TotalSumm": 0,
                "NdsNA_TotalSumm": 0,
                "PrepaidSumm": 0,
                "ProvisionSumm": 0,
                "DocDateTime": "2020-11-05 00:00:00Z",
                "OperationType": "Income",
                "DocNumber": XXXXXXXX,
                "KktRegNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
                "FnNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
                "DocShiftNumber": XXXXXXXX,
                "ReceiptNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
                "DecimalFiscalSign": "XXXXXXXX",
                "CDateUt": "2020-11-05 00:00:16Z",
                "Items": [
                        "Name": "XXXXXXXX",
                        "Quantity": 1,
                        "Total": 10000,
                        "CalculationMethod": 3,
                        "SubjectType": "0A",
                        "Nds10_TotalSumm": 0,
                        "Nds18_TotalSumm": 0,
                        "Barcode": null,
                        "NdsCalculated10": 0,
                        "NdsCalculated18": 1667

3.8. Description of method get information about the "Ferma" service and fiscal device




  • Code1 – valid authentication key received in response to request for an authentication key.
  • deviceId (optional parameter) - device service ID;
  • rnm (optional parameter) - registration number of the cash register;
  • zn (optional parameter) - KKT serial number;
  • fn (optional parameter) - FN number;

Successful response:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": [
            "deviceId": 12135,
            "fn": "9280440300750000",
            "zn": "9944254000",
            "rnm": "0004939230052000",
            "kktModel": "Эфир Pro ФС",
            "kktState": "Готова к работе",
            "tariffType": "Стоимость за 1 месяц",
            "tariffEndDate": "2021-01-03",
            "tariffChecksCnt": null,
            "fnName": "Шифровальное (криптографическое) средство защиты фискальных данных фискальный накопитель «ФН-1.1» исполнение Ав15-2",
            "fnModelName": "FN15",
            "checksCnt": 66,
            "fnVolumePercent": 0.03,
            "projectedFnReplaceDate": "2022-03-19",
            "projectedFnFilledDate": "2022-03-19",
            "fnLastChangeDate": "2021-07-09"

Table 3.16. Description of the response parameters of the method for monitoring the state of the Ferma and FN services

Parameter Value format Description
deviceId String Device Service ID
fn String Fiscal device number
zn String The factory number of the cash register
rnm String Registration number of the cash register
kktModel String Name of the cash register model
kktState String The status of the cash register in the «Ferma» service
tariffType String Type of fare at the checkout
tariffEndDate String The end date of the paid period according to the tariff
tariffChecksCnt String The number of checks available for punching on the check type of the tariff
fnName String Name of the fiscal device model
fnModelName String Type of fiscal device
checksCnt String The number of punched checks in the fiscal device
fnVolumePercent String Percentage of fiscal device memory filling
projectedFnReplaceDate String Projected replacement date by the expiration date of the fiscal device
projectedFnFilledDate String Projected replacement date for filling the fiscal device
fnLastChangeDate String Date of the last replacement of the fiscal drive

3.8.1. Descriptions of the values of the "kktState" parameter

  • «Готова к работе» - the cash register accepts fiscal documents in the normal mode;
  • «Не фискализирована» — the cash register has been allocated to the client and no registration report has been generated at the cash register, the cash register does not generate receipts;
  • «Требуется завершение фискализации» - a registration report has been generated at the client's cash desk, it is required to put the cash register into operation in the client's Personal Account, the cash register does not generate receipts;
  • «Заменен ФН» - the fiscal drive has been replaced at the cash register, the cash register does not generate receipts;
  • «К архивации» - the cash register requires replacement of the fiscal device, the cash register does not generate receipts;
  • «Требуется завершение перерегистрации» - the cash register has been removed from balancing, a re-registration Report has been generated at the cash register and it is required to complete re-registration in the client's Personal Account, the cash register does not generate receipts;
  • «ФН на хранении» - fiscal device transferred to storage;
  • «Заканчивается срок обслуживания» - there are less than 15 days left before the Ferma cash register service stops, the cash register accepts fiscal documents in the normal mode;
  • «Проводится прошивка» - scheduled technical work is carried out at the cash desk, the cash register does not generate receipts.

3.8.2. Descriptions of the values of the "tariffType" parameter

  • «Стоимость за 1 месяц» - billing is carried out for 1 calendar month;
  • «Стоимость за 12 месяцев» - billing is carried out in 12 calendar months;
  • «Стоимость за 1 чек» - billing is carried out according to the number of punched checks.

3.9. Description of the callback response setup

The «CallbackUrl» parameter is passed as part of a request to generate a receipt in the «Ferma» service. The parameter accepts url/ipaddress of the callback handler client. После сформирования чека на кассе («StatusCode»: 2/3), the response will be sent by POST to url/ip address specified in the «CallbackUrl» parameter.
If no response has been received within 300 seconds, you need to execute the request checking the status of the cash receipt.

For the «CallbackUrl» parameter to work correctly in the settings of your information system, you need to add the following IP addresses to the trust list:

  • ;
  • ;
  • .

An example of a response sent to the specified URL in the «CallbackUrl» parameter is given:

  "receiptId": "47975e7d-ebb4-4906-83e2-e4244f56ecca",
  "invoiceId": "7899we45453477798989363776e55",
  "orgId": 1,
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "payload": {
    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
   "StatusCode": 2,
      "StatusName": "CONFIRMED",
      "StatusMessage": "Чек передан в ОФД",
      "ModifiedDateUtc": "2022-02-09T10:36:38",
      "ReceiptDateUtc": "2022-02-09T10:36:38",
      "ModifiedDateTimeIso": "2022-02-09T10:36:38+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
      "ReceiptDateTimeIso": "2022-02-09T10:36:38+03:00[Europe/Moscow]",
      "ReceiptId": "47975e7d-ebb4-4906-83e2-e4244f56ecca",
      "InvoiceId": "7899we45453477798989363776e55",
      "Device": {
        "DeviceId": 7405,
        "RNM": "0000000010053286",
        "ZN": "9985857579",
        "FN": "9999078902001735",
        "FDN": "121453",
        "FPD": "1298875598",
        "ShiftNumber": null,
        "ReceiptNumInShift": 524,
        "DeviceType": "Эфир Pro ФС",
        "OfdReceiptUrl": ""

Table 3.17. Description of the parameters of the response to the "CallbackUrl" parameter value

ParameterParameterParameterParameterValue formatDescription
receiptIdString ID assigned by the Ferma service
invoiceIdString The identifier assigned by your information system in the request for the formation of a cash receipt.
orgIdInteger Organization ID
callbackUrlString URL. The parameter specifies the URL value. If the field is filled in correctly, then after processing the document (successful or unsuccessful fiscalization in the KKT: status «CONFIRMED» or «KKT_ERROR»), the response will be sent by POST request to the URL specified in this field. The correctness of the filled field is determined by the regular expression:^http(s?)\:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Zа-яА-Я]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Zа-яА-Я])*(:(0-9)*)*(\/?)([a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-Я\-\.\?\,\'\/\\\+&=%\$#_]*)?$
payload Object Structure of the response with data
StatusString Request processing status
Data Object Data of the generated receipt
StatusCodeInteger Status code.
- 0 - the request for the receipt was accepted by the «Ferma» service;
- 1 - the receipt is generated at the checkout;
- 2 - the receipt has been transferred to the OFD;
- 3 - the receipt has not been transferred to the OFD, you need to send it again
StatusNameString The name of the status.
Has the following values:
- «NEW» - the request for the receipt was accepted by the «Ferma» service
- «PROCESSED» - the receipt is generated at the checkout
- «CONFIRMED» - the receipt has been transferred to the OFD
- «KKT_ERROR» - the receipt has not been transferred to the OFD, you need to send it again
StatusMessageString The parameter contains additional information about the current state.
Has the following values:
- «запрос на чек принят Фермой» the request for the receipt was accepted by the «Ferma» service
- «чек сформирован на кассе» - the receipt is generated at the checkout
- «чек передан в ОФД» - the receipt has been transferred to the OFD
ModifiedDateUtc String Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateUtc String Date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
ModifiedDateTimeIso String Date and time of the last update of the receipt information in Moscow time
ReceiptDateTimeIso String Date and time specified in the receipt in Moscow time
ReceiptId String The ID of the receipt assigned by the «Ferma» service
InvoiceId String The ID of the receipt assigned by your information system in the request for the formation of a cash receipt.
Device Object Device Information
DeviceIdInteger Device Service ID
RNMString Registration number of the cash register
ZNString The factory number of the cash register
FNString Fiscal device number
FDNString Number of the fiscal document
FPDString Fiscal feature of the document
ShiftNumberInteger Shift number
ReceiptNumInShiftInteger The number of the check in the shift
DeviceTypeString Cash register model
OfdReceiptUrlString Link to the receipt

3.10. Description of the request for the checkout

The request for recieving of checks queue information regarding checkout by «Ferma» cash registers is executed by the GET method.

Request example:

  • Code1 – valid authentication key.

Successful response example:

    "Status": "Success",
    "Data": {
   "Length": 0,
        "UpdateTime": "2022-11-09T15:44:48Z"
ParameterEmbedded parameterValue formatDescription
StatusString Result of the request execution
Data Object Checks queue data
LengthInteger Amount of checks in the checkout queue
UpdateTimeString The date and time specified for the checkout queue by «Ferma» cash registers

4. Description of error codes for unsuccessful request

Table 4.1. Lists the code and descriptions of errors received in the response to the request.

Table 4.1. Error code and descriptions

HTTP Code Error Code Error description
401 1001 The client is not authorized
500 1002 Unexpected error
400 1003 Invalid request format
404 1004 Object not found
500 1 Unknown error
500 2 Invalid login, password
500 3 No cash registers available
500 4 No authorization
400 1005 The «Request» parameter is empty
400 1006 The «CustomerReceipt» parameter is empty
400 1007 Incorrect taxpayer identification number
400 1008 Incorrect type of the generated receipt (Type)
400 1009 Invalid account ID (InvoiceId)
400 1010 Incorrect type of taxation (TaxationSystem)
400 1011 Contacts are filled in incorrectly (Email, Phone)
400 1012 Invalid email address
400 1013 Incorrect phone number
400 1014 Incorrectly filled positions (Items)
400 1015 The price and total cost should not be negative
400 1016 The number of products in the position should not be negative
400 1017 The VAT of the position is filled in incorrectly (Vat)
400 1018 The total sum of positions must be non-negative
400 1019 The account ID already exists (InvoiceId, ReceiptId)
400 1020 Exceeded the maximum number of requests
400 1021 The phone number of the payment agent is specified incorrectly
400 1022 The supplier's phone number is specified incorrectly
400 1023 The phone number of the transfer operator is specified incorrectly
400 1024 The taxpayer identification number of the transfer operator is incorrect
400 1025 The payment agent attribute is specified incorrectly
400 1026 The length of the PaymentAgentInfo.TransferAgentName field exceeds the maximum length of 64 characters
400 1027 The length of the PaymentAgentInfo.TransferAgentAddress field exceeds the maximum length of 256 characters
400 1028 The length of the PaymentAgentInfo.PaymentAgentOperation field exceeds the maximum length of 24 characters
400 1029 There are no cash registers corresponding to the transferred type of payment agent
400 1030 Correction description is not specified (CorrectionInfo.Description)
400 1031 Incorrect format of the date of the corrected calculation
400 1032 The correction type is specified incorrectly (CorrectionInfo.Type)
400 1049 The machine number is specified incorrectly (AutomatNumber). The maximum length is 20 characters
400 1056 The receipt ID is incorrect or missing
400 1058 The correction receipt contains more than one position
400 1063 The machine number (AutomatNumber) is specified together with the KktFA = false flag
400 1064 The correction receipt contains an incorrect calculation attribute (тег 1054)
400 1065 VAT rates are filled in incorrectly. More than 1 type of bid per check is specified
400 1066 Invalid tag length 1191 (additional payment item details). Maximum length 64 characters
400 1067 The name of the subject of calculation (Items.Label) must not be empty or exceed the length of 128 characters
400 1068 The number of the tax authority's prescription for the correction receipt is incorrect (tag 1179). The prescription number cannot be empty. The maximum length is 32 characters.
400 1069 The number of marking codes exceeds the permissible number of 128, within one check
400 1070 There is no cash register with FFD 1.2
400 1071 There is no cash register with FFD below 1.2 to generate a cash receipt with data on marking codes in MarkingCode/MarkingCodeStructured
400 1085 Error in the values of input parameters for generating a receipt in the Ferma service

Table 4.2. lists error messages and descriptions of messages received in response to the request.

Table 4.2. Error and error description

Error message Error Code Error description
CASHBOX_NOT_FISCALIZED 1070 The cash register is not fiscalized. Go to your personal account and complete the registration of the cash register in the «Ferma» section
CASHBOX_REQUIRES_REGISTRATION_COMPLETION 1071 At the checkout, completion of registration with the Federal Tax Service is required. Registration with the Federal Tax Service has not been completed at the Ferma cash register. Go to your personal account , complete the registration of the cash register in the Ferma section
CASHBOX_TO_ARCHIVING 1072 The cash register is being prepared for archiving. It is necessary to replace the fiscal drive. Go to your personal account , check the availability of prepaid fiscal documents
CASHBOX_ARCHIVED 1073 The cash register is archived. It is necessary to replace the fiscal drive. Go to your personal account , check the availability of prepaid fiscal documents
CASHBOX_REREGISTRATION_REQUIRED 1074 At the checkout, completion of re-registration with the Federal Tax Service is required. At the Ferma cash register, re-registration with the Federal Tax Service has not been completed. Go to your personal account , sign the application for re-registration of the cash register with the electronic signature key
CASHBOX_REQUIRES_REREGISTRATION_COMPLETION 1076 Completion of re-registration is required at the checkout. According to the cash desk of the Firm, re-registration with the Federal Tax Service has not been completed
CASHBOX_REMOVED_FROM_BALANCING 1075 The cash register has been removed from balancing. Temporary technical works are carried out at the checkout
CASHBOX_WITHDRAWN_FOR_NONPAYMENT 1079 The cash register was withdrawn for non-payment. Ferma cash register has not been paid. Pay for Ferma services

5. Testing

5.1. Description

This section describes how to test the «Ferma» service. Formation of cash receipts and their viewing. For testing, the client's demo personal account is used, as well as a cash register with a test fiscal drive (FN MGM) installed, which is connected to the Ferma test information system.
All the queries described in the instructions are collected in a collection for Postman. You can download the collection and make sure that all methods are working. The collection will help you to customize the Ferma service to your needs.

5.2. Test settings

In order to punch the receipts at the Ferma test checkout, use the domain 65),for the FFD 1.2 version of the cash register, use the following data:

  • login - fermatest2;
  • Password - Go2999483Mb.

Login and password are used in the API request to get the authorization code (AuthToken).

5.3. Using the demo account

To log into the demo personal account of the client for further viewing of receipts, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Click on the link;
  2. Automatically substituted data in the fields «Email» and «Password» are deleted.
  3. Entering the data:
    1. Email:
    2. Password: 1231
  4. Press the «Войти» button;
  5. You found yourself in a demo account.

5.4. Viewing receipt

After you have entered the demo LKK, to view the punched receipts at the checkout, you need to:

  1. go to the «Кассы» section;
  2. here is the only cash register;
  3. click on her registration number;
  4. on the next page, go to the «Фискальные документы» tab ;
  5. in the «Все документы» able, we find the necessary receipt, for this you can use the filters that are located above the table;
  6. click on the icon next to the desired receipt .

History version

Version 2.62
13 february 2024
Actual version

Parameter value «AuthToken» it is presented in string form, it is a 32-digit sequence of hexadecimal digits, used for authentication in requests of the «Ferma» service
Parameter value «ExpirationDateUtc» it is presented in string form in date and time format (UTC+3, MOSCOW TIME).
The time is presented in the format «YYYY-MM-DDTCHH:mm:ss». The date and time format conforms to the international standard ISO 8601
3) , 6) , 22) , 26) , 28) , 42)
Parameter of the special part of the header of the fiscal document
4) , 7) , 23) , 27) , 29) , 43)
Whether the parameter is required in the request
Parameter «Cashier» it is not necessary to pass in the request. If you pass the «Cashier» parameter without cashier information, the cashier information from the cashier settings will be used by default. If there is no information about the cashier in the checkout settings, the «Cashier» parameter will not be transmitted in the request.
8) , 9)
At least one field must be filled in here indicating the recipient of the receipt delivery: «Email» and «Phone»; if filled in, the receipt is sent; if both the e-mail address and phone number are specified, the receipt is sent by e-mail. In order to be able to send SMS, you need to purchase an SMS package in your personal account.
10) , 25) , 30)
If the parameter is passed only as part of the receipt, and not passed as part of the item («Items»), then the data from «PaymentAgentInfo» is copied to all items. If the parameter is passed as part of the receipt and as part of Items, then data from the position is set to the parameter. If a «PaymentAgentInfo» is passed as part of the position when the check is broken, then the «PaymentAgentInfo» with the «AgentType filled» in must also be in the receipt.
11) , 19) , 20) , 31) , 39) , 40)
Filled in for all types of agents
12) , 13) , 14) , 15) , 16) , 32) , 33) , 34) , 35) , 36)
17) , 21) , 37) , 41)
18) , 38)
Filled in when selecting PAYMENT_AGENT or PAYMENT_SUBAGENT
44) , 45) , 48) , 49) , 52) , 53) , 56) , 57) , 61) , 62)
Date and time in UTC+3 format
46) , 47) , 50) , 51) , 54) , 55) , 58) , 59) , 63) , 64)
Date and time in ISO format
you use it for setting API requests instead of